A primer on this airway/ ID/ ENT emergency.
Hosts: Joe Offenbacher MD, A Bree Tse, MD
A primer on this airway/ ID/ ENT emergency.
Hosts: Joe Offenbacher MD, A Bree Tse, MD
A quick overview of pneumothorax for the EM physician: the what, why, diagnosis, and treatment.
Joe Offenbacher, MD
Audrey Tse, MD
An interesting back story on this must-not-miss EKG finding in the ED!
Joseph Offenbacher, MD
Audrey Bree Tse, MD
We discuss the (F)utility(?) of ED Utox screens with our very own Dr. Phil DiSalvo.
Bree Tse, MD
Brian Gilberti, MD
EM management of the rare but potentially complicated precipitous vaginal breech delivery.
Audrey Bree Tse, MD
Masashi Rotte, MD MPH
The speech given by Dr. Goldfrank at the 2020 NYU / Bellevue Emergency Medicine Graduation Ceremony
An overview and management tips of hemoptysis in the ED.
Brian Gilberti, MD
Audrey Bree Tse, MD