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- When looking at a tachy rhythm that isn’t sinus tach, quickly differentiate by determining if the QRS complexes is narrow or wide and then determine if the rhythm is regular or irregular. This approach quickly drops the rhythm into 1 of 4 boxes and makes rhythm determination much easier
- Each of those 4 categories has a small set of rhythms included. Narrow and irregular – AF, Aflutter with variable block or MFAT. Narrow and regular – SVT or Aflutter. Wide and irregular – Torsades, VF, AF with aberrancy or a BBB. Wide and regular – VTach, SVT with aberrancy or SVT with a BBB.
- If you see wide and regular, the top 3 diagnoses are VT, VT and VT. Assuming VT and treating for that will almost never send you astray
Read More
EM: RAP: Episode 84 – Tachycardia
Core EM: A Simplified Approach to Tachydysrhythmias
Core EM: Atrioventricular Nodal Reentry Tachycardia
Core EM: Ventricular Tachycardia
Core EM: Recent-Onset Atrial Fibrillation
Simplified Approach to Tachydysrhythmias Diagnosis
Tachydysrhythmias Therapeutic Algorithm
Torsades de Pointes
Torsades de Pointes
The bottom rythm is Tdp, but the upper one is VF though it does not matter as both rytms are treated by defibrillator as Tdp mostly unstable where it is not the place for Mg used is the stable Tdp.