This week we discuss two recent journal articles - the POKER trial and the ketorlac analgesic ceiling
This week we discuss two recent journal articles - the POKER trial and the ketorlac analgesic ceiling
Take Home Points
RebelEM: The POKER Trial: Go All in on Ketofol?
St. Emlyn’s: JC: Is Ketofol with the hassle?
Core EM: Propofol vs. Ketofol in PSA
EM: RAP: Just Enough Ketorlac
RebelEM: The Ketorolac Analgesic Ceiling
Core EM: Parenteral Ketorlac Dosing
Propofol or Ketofol for Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in Emergency Medicine-The POKER Study: A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial. PubMed ID: 27460905
Comparison of Intravenous Ketorolac at Three Single-Dose Regimens for Treating Acute Pain in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PubMed ID: 27993418