This week we look at the rarely used, but potentially life-saving, procedure of gastric lavage.
This week we look at the rarely used, but potentially life-saving, procedure of gastric lavage.
Gastric Lavage Indications (Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies Ch 7)
Gastric Lavage Risk Assessment (Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies Ch 7)
Gastric Lavage Placement (Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies Ch 7)
Adams BK et al. Prolonged gastric emptying half-time and gastric hypo motility after drug overdose. Am J Emerg Med 2004; 22: 548-554. PMID: 15666259
Benson BE et al. Position paper update: gastric lavage for gastrointestinal decontamination. Clin Tox 2013; 51: 140-6. PMID: 23418938
Gude AB, Hoegberg LCG. Chapter 7. Techniques Used to Prevent Gastrointestinal Absorption. In: Nelson LS, Lewin NA, Howland M, Hoffman RS, Goldfrank LR, Flomenbaum NE. eds. Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies, 9e . New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2011.
Hoffman RS. Does consensus equal correctness? Clin Tox 2000; 38(7): 689-90. PMID: 11192453
Kulig K et al. Management of acutely poisoned patients without gastric emptying. Ann Emerg Med 1985; 14(6): 562-9. PMID: 2859819
Merigian KS et al. Prospective evaluation of gastric emptying in the self-poisoned patient. Am J Emerg Med 1990; 8: 479-83. PMID: 1977400
Pond SM et al. Gastric emptying in acute overdose: a prospective randomised controlled trial. Med J Aus 1995; 163: 34-9. PMID: 7565257
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