Pearls from a core content talk on adrenal emergencies, a journal update looking at D-dimer in aortic dissection and some acid/base cases.
Pearls from a core content talk on adrenal emergencies, a journal update looking at D-dimer in aortic dissection and some acid/base cases.
Asha SE, Miers JW. A systematic review and meta-analysis of D-dimer as a rule-out test for suspected acute aortic dissection. Ann Emerg Med 2015. PMID: 25805111
Dierks DB et al. Clinical policy: critical issues in the evaluation and management of adult patients with suspected acute nontraumatic thoracic aortic dissection. Ann Emerg Med 2015; 65: 32-42. PMID: 25529153
Acid-Base Cases
Quick questions & answers:
For each of the following cases, please analyze the acid-base status (i.e. anion gap metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, non-AG metabolic acidosis with respiratory acidosis, etc…) for further discussion in the workshop.
1) A 25 year old woman is found at home c/o thirst, shortness of breath, and spasms of her arms and legs.
Vital signs: BP 90/50 mmHg; pulse 155/min; RR 32/min; afebrile; RA O2 sat 98%.
137 84 18 274 Calcium 9.6
2.4 29 1.2
VBG: 7.66 / 25.5 / 29.1
2) A 21 yo female presented to ED after reportedly ingesting an entire bottle of pills (drug and formulation unknown) and now complaints oftinnitus, nausea, and vomiting.
Exam: A, O x3, Pupils – dilated, reactive, Neuro – no hyperreflexia, rigidity or clonus
Lungs – + tachypnea, CV – tachycardia, no murmurs, skin nl
VS: BP 92/67, HR 100/min, RR 18/min, T 98.6, RA O2 sat 99%
135 104 12 145
3.8 11 0.9 Ca 7.8
ABG: 7.47 / 14 /109 /10
3) A 56 yo female with a past medical history of heroin use (on methadone maintenance therapy) and chronic ETOH use presents with chest pain, shortness of breath, body aches, as well as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
VS: BP 164/84, HR 112/min, RR 22/min, T 98, RA O2 sat 98%
MS – awake, alert and oriented x2, CV – tachycardic, RR no m, abd nl, skin nl
136 98 7 277
3.4 19 0.9
4) 53 y/o M referred to the ED for severely elevated BP of 235/135. He c/o 1 week of polydipsia, polyuria, fatigue, and some dyspnea on exertion.
No known PMH but has no doctor evaluation for many years.
VS: BP 191/94, HR 88/min, RR 18/min, T 97.4
143 89 23 253
2.3 45 1.0
ABG: 7.56 / 53.6 / 65.4 lactate 3.2
5) A 62 y/o M with h/o stage IIIa rectal ca s/p diverting ileostomy 5 months ago & currently on chemotherapy presented with 3 days of repeated vomiting, watery diarrhea, and generalized weakness.
VS: BP 80/47, HR 100/min, RR 26/min, T 95o, RA O2 sat 96%
PE: thin M, tired appearing
121 86 166 164
4.4 8 13.6
VBG: 7.04 / 31 / 28.6 bicarb 7.9 WBC 7.5 / 14/41.8 / 180K
6) 66 y/o M presented to the ED because of alcohol withdrawal.
VS: BP 144/98, HR 130/min, RR 22/min, T 98.3, RA O2 sat 97%
141 102 8 85 ABG on O2 7.45 / 24 / 136
4.3 13 0.7
7) A 32 y/o F with hx of DM x 20 yrs on canagliflozin presented to the ED c/o polyuria x 2 days, epigastric pain, and not feeling well.
VS: BP 139/77, HR 112/min, RR 32/min, T 98.5, RA O2 sat 99%
135 104 17 191
3.4 3 0.4 7.06 / 11 / 125
8) A 55 y/o M with history of asthma but non-compliant with all medications and follow up presented to the ED with asthma exacerbation over the past few days. He appears to be SOB, able to speak to you & complete his sentences. + mild accessory muscle usage, mild wheezing
VS: BP 150/90, P = 115/min, R = 30/min, T = 98 , RA O2 sat 87%
ABG: 7.22 / 85 / 55
143 102 25 99
3.8 36 1.3
9) A 70 y/o M with h/o COPD presented with 2 days of vomiting and weakness.
VS: BP 150/ 85, HR 100/min, RR 18/min , T 99, RA O2 sat 90%
136 85 28 65 7.19 / 60 / 55 bicarb 25
4.1 25 1.4 AST/ALT 150 / 100 Alb 2.5
10) A 37 y/o M presents to the ED in a coma.
VS: BP 110/80, HR 125/min, RR 30/min, T 97, O2 sat 99% on RA
142 | 104 | 15 | 89 7.05 / 15 / 115 bicarb 5
3.9 | 5 | 1.9