The Case
Abdominal pain
27yF with h/o anxiety p/w abdominal pain x1d. Pain started yesterday evening, intermittent, a/w nausea and diaphoresis. Began as generalized pain but when supine, radiates to chest a/w mild SOB, otherwise localizes to the right abdomen with radiation to the pelvis.
Denies fever, chills, diarrhea, anorexia, blood in stool, recent travel, sick contacts. Sexually active with one male partner, denies STIs, uses OCPs, LMP 3 weeks ago. Denies vaginal bleeding or discharge.
The remainder of the patient’s labs other than those given are pending. On assisting the patient to the OBGYN room, she becomes markedly diaphoretic, lightheaded, tachycardic to 125, and hypotensive to SBP in the 60s. Repeat EKG shows sinus tach, portable CXR is unremarkable, and a RUSH bedside ultrasound exam notable for free fluid in the pelvis.
PMH: anxiety, HPV
PSH: none
Social: denies tobacco, drug use. Rare social etoh
Meds: OCPS
Allergies: NKDA
Physical Exam
BP 96/52 HR 99 Resp 18 Sat 100% Temp 96.0
General: well-dressed, appears stated age, lying semi-recumbent in stretcher, no acute distress
CV: RRR, no m/r/g
Pulm: CTA throughout, breathing comfortably on room air, tachypneic when supine
Abdomen: soft, nondistended, mild TTP in RLQ, no rebound or guarding
Neuro: Awake, alert, orient, normal strength, sensation, coordination
Ext: normal active ROM, no deformities or edema
Skin: no diaphoresis, rashes, or lesions. Warm and dry.
What next steps would take in the management of this patient?
What is your differential for this patient?
I’m so curious about the right answer.. Has it already been published and did I miss it?
hugh-fritz curts syndrome
Pulmonary Embolism
early ccf
also Gynae: ovarian cyst, ruptured
abdo: appendicitis
analgesia, position of comfort, abdomen CT w/wo contrast once creatinine normal and serum beta. u/a and micro
Next step fluid resuscitation, arrangement of uncross match o negative blood and serum bhcg and surgical and gynae consultation
D/D : ectopic pregnancy,ovarian rupture, rupture viscus ovation torsion